Minister of Commerce Mrs Cham Nimul presided over a validation workshop here on Jan. 20 on roadmap development for green trade standards, rules of origin and double transformation.
Mr. Inamori Kazuo's Public Lectures Continue!
CJBI is going to organize a Public Lecture on Mr. INAMORI KAZOU’S Business and Life Philosophy". Learn more about this course objective through the video by our speakers.
CJBI's Chairman, H.E. Dr. Mey Kalyan, participated in one of the most popular economic programs on テレ東BIZ. (EP2)
CJBI's Chairman, H.E. Dr. Mey Kalyan, participated in one of the most popular economic programs on テレ東BIZ. (EP1)
Check out the last episode of Mr. SEAN Sorphalla, a member of CJBI and a managing director of Sangha Agriculture Co., Ltd. on the topic “Business Operation and Business Strategy during and after the covid pandemics”.
Learn more from Mr. SEAN Sorphalla, a CJBI member and a managing director of Sangha Agriculture Co., Ltd. on the topic “Business Operation and Business Strategy during and after the covid pandemics”.
One of our CJBI members, Mr. SEAN Sorphalla, a managing director of Sangha Agriculture Co., Ltd. will share his experiences on the topic “Business Operation and Business Strategy during and after the Covid-19 pandemics”
For any business owners or any start-up companies that want to get some suggestions regarding fund management and how to manage employee, please check out this last episode of Mr. SEAN Thorninn.
Do you want to know about the method to manage finance effectively during the Covid-19 pandemic from Mr. SEAN Thorninn? Check out the episode 2 of Mr. SEAN Thorninn.
Meet with our CJBI’s member, Mr. SEAN Thorninn, Chief Executive Officer of CEO Master Club Investment PLC. who comes to share his experiences on the topic ‘’Financial Management During, After Covid and, in the New Normal’’.
Check out the last episode of Ms. Phou Muoy Buoy (Carie) on the topic “Marketing Strategies During, After, and in the New Normal”. In this episode, she will share impression as a CJBI member, and the suggestions to the business owners and start-ups company.
Check out episode 2 of Ms. Phou Muoy Buoy (Carie) on the topic “Marketing Strategies During, After, and in the New Normal”. In this video, you will get to listen more about the solution and suggestion towards marketing management. Stay tuned for the last episode!
Ms. Phou Muoy Buoy (Carie) who is our CJBI member and a managing director from Rompolthong Trading Co., Ltd. is delighted to share her experiences on the topic “Marketing Strategies During, After, and in the New Normal”. In the video, you will listen to her inspiring story and what challenges she faced during the pandemic.
CJBI, established in 2016, aims to promote Cambodia-Japan business partnership, with a particular focus on SMEs, in order to enhance economic relations between the two countries. CJBI members will enjoy the following benefits such as Business Matching & Networking, Learning Opportunities, Business Related Information, and Social Contributions.
What is CJBI? Cambodia-Japan Association for Business and Investment (CJBI) is a platform to liaise and connect Cambodian and Japanese business people together in order to strengthen and expand their business opportunities. Head, senior position, or representative of the companies or organizations are carefully selected to become members of the association.